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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


U2TOURFANS (9) Magnificent??? Was Bono singing about the creator? I don't think there is any mistaken that he was singing about the "Great God in Heaven (You know I love you")

I grew up on Rock & Roll! I Still LOVE IT! I know most rock & roll songs by heart. I won't tell you my age but Bono is still a baby and I'm a bit younger than him! Fifteen years later after living the Rock & roll lifestyle of concerts every month or so in High school and even after I married I still went to see Tina Turner, I became a born again Christian in 1988. After I got saved my new Christian education taught me that I had to be careful what I listen to. "See no evil, Speak No Evil, Hear no evil" so to speak... Monkey see, monkey do type thing. There were some great world wide preachers who taught me about words. That we create our future by the words we speak (or sing in this instance.) "By our words we are either justified or condemned" is how the bible says it. So It took me years to change my vocabulary. Bono's songs are laced with Holy Language. And he may not have intended it that way with "Streets have no name" as your blog indicated yesterday. But U2 is one of the only rock & roll bands that I can leave on almost 24/7 and feel good about all the lyrics! Thank GOD!

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