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Friday, November 19, 2010

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation

(Kim Gerred)
Member since '10
Kim Gerred

Chiropractic Care For California, DO MD, & Natural Pain, Anti Inflammatory, & Anti Arthritis Supplement Prescriptions
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
On November 16, 2010 I found out that California does not have Chiropractic care for some HMO's. I just left Missouri in September of 2010 where they had just begin providing Chiropractic care for Medicare and Medicaid Patients.

Those who need muscular skeletal help the most should be the first ones to receive it. My friend referred me to a wonderful Chiropractor Dr. Spurgin 1-760-327-9402 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-760-327-9402 end_of_the_skype_highlighting here in Palm Springs, Ca. and they have said they will sign my petition and help me to spread the word about the need for Chiropractic care here in the Desert that will be covered by three other very important HMO's.

I hope that whoever writes any new legislation, policies or bills for the Arthritis Foundation for 2011 will consider this need for medical treatment for Arthritis patients so that they can have the best mobility possible with the affliction of arthritis or spinal skelital or muscular problems.

On another note, just three months ago, I learned that some medical students and medical universities were considering changing the lettering behind some medical doctors names ie: (Dr. McDonald, DO MD,) is how it is now and how I believe it should stay.

Because for someone who needs Chiropractic care but cannot get it they may can find a DO who will accept their insurance and DO's are licensed to give adjustments.

The Orthopedic students and universities were considering removing the letters DO off of their names should consider how that would effect their business because I know that would cause them to lose business and clients.

Some doctors require certain patients to go to specialists if they fill that a primary care family doctor is not capable of treating certain patients with certain diseases ie: (cancer, fibromyalgia , or neuropathy) so they will refer those patients to Internists as I recently discovered when I tried to find a primary care physician in Lebanon, MO.

When I couldn't find an internist less than 3 hours away I knew the next best doctor would be a DO and so I did find a great DO.

In lue of those experiences I really hope that they do not ever take the DO off the Medical lettering of the physicians names. Because some people will only chose a DO because they are generally more capable of treating patients with rare diseases, giving Gynecological exams and able to give an Chiropractic examination as well!

After further investigation on the matters mentioned in this post I decided to bring up the issue of prescription supplement treatment for arthritis, and the other natural pain and anti inflammatory medicines that are not covered by most prescription plans.

Research revealed that Pain and Inflammation are known precursors for heart disease. And that inflammation is a precursor for cancer. And that inflammation (head/neck) is a known cause of Alzheimer disease. Making the need to address these issues more important not only for me, but for our National Football League and many other sport athletes.

In early 2001, my pain management doctors in St. Petersburg, Florida prescribed me four different supplements because they said that "I was prone to arthritis" and now ever since then I have been taking those Prescription supplement medicines every day but at my own expense which is only one problem when standard treatments for pain and inflammation are covered by most insurance policies. In mid 2010 we discovered that I am allergic to Codeine causing me to search for other pain management treatments further increasing the need for change in this area. In 2009 they found a nerve root tumor on my lower spine creating yet more pain after a horrible fall in Winter of 2008.

The other problem is that in the event that I were hospitalized as I was in 2001 I would not have any way to get my anti arthritis medicines (Glucosamine chondroitin, MSN, Collagen, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium that were prescribed to me by a medical doctor) or my anti pain medicines: (Boswellia), or my anti inflammatory medicines: (ginger, bromelain, turmeric, blackstrap molasses, Salmon Oil) or last but most significantly, my anti arthritis medicines; Glucosamine chondroitin, MSM, Collagen, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium.

Also, In the same year I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and after a five day hospital stay my doctor every so wisely began teaching me about detoxification and a healthy diet lifestyle that I am so grateful that I integrated into my life now.

And in 2005, My Gastroenterologist found that I have suffered with severe Esophagitis explaining why my stomach would burn when I took the prescription pain and prescription anti inflammatory medicines that are used as a standard for treatment of arthritis.

Thus, I had to go all natural ( Boswellia, Ginger, Turmeric, Bromelain, Salmon Oil, Blackstrap molasses ) to treat the severe inflammation that I have from my head to my toes (literally) after all the skeletal structure trauma that I have survived.

My hopes are that the Arthritis Foundation’s 2010 Public Policy Committee will consider the need for Arthritis Patients to have access to Chiropractic care, and to have access to pain management, anti inflammatory and anti arthritis medicines that they need.

I am still what most consider "young" and maybe that is why mobility challenges are very intimidating to me. But I guess that is true in the world of sports injuries too. It is so hard to live with debilitation and crippling arthritis to the point that it challenges self care. The solution for me is not to give up my independence but to reverse the disease through therapy and treatment. Thank you for allowing me to share!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tai Chi

ChiFusion Tai Chi and Qigong

AM/PM Tai Chi

Tai Chi Free Webinar with Master Al Simon At (registration is required)

One of the most important things you need to know before you get started!!! Absolute must see!!! Tai Chi Breathing by Master Gohring Austin, Texas

Lesson 1 Tai Chi Master Al Simon

Lesson 2 Tai Chi Master Al Simon

Lesson 3 Tai Chi Master Al Simon Don’t just bend over…Open the Spine

Lesson 4Constant Bear Qigong“ This one feels so good to me & I LOVE IT!

Gentle Tai Chi

Breath Of Fire taught by Cameron

Wuji Swimming Dragon

Tau Chi for Stress

Tai Chi For Stress

Tai Chi Radio

Scott Cole’s Eventing Meditation on the Beautiful Beach!!!

Scott Coles Discover Weight Loss Tai Chi On the Beach! (only do what is not painful and go as slow as you need to go) I am telling you from my own experience!

Horse Stance Kung Fu

Kung Fu

QiGong for the mind (great Series on breathing and Serti Healing)

Tia Chi Music

Taoist Yoga Closing Chi Body Massage (Chikung/Chigong) Massage



KimiG Evangelism 101: I am not a Pastor! Do you need church Growth? I can teach your sheep to multiply. If you would like to host an Evangelism 101 and Street Witnessing Conference call 760-832-9365 to schedule a meeting. I will show you how Evangelism is a great Self Preservation tool for your own faith. I am a self taught Evangelist who found Street Evangelism to have saved my walk with God as a way of (self accountability) after my best friend and the one that I was accountable to (an 88 yr.old prophet of God) passed away in 2004. Street Evangelism is a great way to keep you in check. Are you living what you preach? Are you someone who can be trusted with the mantle of God? Do you walk the talk? Do you live the word of God in every area and aspect of your life? Have you introduced Christ Jesus into every single aspect of your life? When you witness to strangers that you meet everywhere you go then you will not get off track from your walk with God. Talk to people about the things of God while you are in a grocery line, on a bus, or at a newspaper stand. If you know the word of God and the rules to play by (whatever rules are used in the given situation where you are ministering ie; on the bus I can't witness but I can tell the parents and children that the church is giving away Christmas presents for free or about the church picnic... ) then you can be witty about how to insert the word or the thoughts directed toward God in most any situation. If that person on the bus tells me that is where they have been going to church for years then I can talk to them all I want about God. I am so thankful for all you front line preachers and ministries (Rick Warren, Rod Parsley, Joel Osteen, TBN) that make my job so much easier. God bless You!


Every Place Whereon The Soles Of My Feet Shall Tread Shall Be Mine! Deut. 11:24

Have you ever been to church at the largest church in America?

Or been to church with the nicest Pastor in America?

Come and see Joel Osteen Lakewood live Services at 8:30 AM.

And find them on Twitter at joelosteenmin.

To start you Sabbath rest off perfectly try having live services on Saturday night 4:30 & 6:30 P.M. Pacific Time.

And Sunday mornings 9, 11:15 AM and 4:30, and 6:30 PM.

Then with Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback. Or Find them on Twitter SOC_tweet

Now there are three Friday night live services that I went to on Friday September 18, 2009

because Kim Clement (ProphetKim) on Twitter was ministering Live at an assembly in Humble, Texas.

And Christian Harfouche Ministries always has a Friday night, Sunday AM & PM, Wed. PM services too.

And sometime I still go to Keith Moore's live services in Branson.

One of the first internet live services that I went to was with my spiritual father and the Worlds greatest Pastor Rod Parsley at World Harvest Church. He holds live services Sunday morning at 10:AM and check his schedule for other live events.

My newest favorite Televised and internet minister (as of December 7th 2009) is Matt Sorger Ministries out of New York. He is a fireball revival preacher and my spiritual & natural life appear to be much like how he describes his own. I have seen and heard him preach and I can attest to the power of God mightily upon his life. He recently held some live services on January 8th through the 10th and He has a weekly program:




North America / United Kingdom
Monday, 8:30 AM, EST


Sunday, 8:00 PM CST


Riverhead Wednesday, 10:30 PM
Hauppauge Friday, 2:00AM


Thursday, 7:30 PM
Serving Darien, Easton, Greenwich, New Canaan, Norwalk, Redding, Stamford, Westport, Weston & Wilton

I would love to visit all of the services in Person too!

Jubilee Christian Center in San Jose, Calif. has live services on Sunday morning.

Just like Saddleback services are on Pacific time so are Jubilee. So When Joel Osteen's services are over you can head on over to Rick Warren in Southern Calif. or Pastor Dick at Jubilee in San Jose in North California.

Here at the Lake of The Ozarks at 11:30 Central there is a beautiful church that is my favorite place to see Christmas at. It is right on the Lake of the Ozarks with a prayer room inside of the wonderful lighthouse at Walk on Water Faith Church in beautiful Osage Beach, Mo. where my parents brought me every summer as a child.

At Christmas Dr. Larry Ollison and his lovely wife Loretta have my friend Penny decorate the church with four foot tall toy soldiers on the third floor main church entry overlooking the atrium on the second floor. It is so pretty that I don't even know how to describe how majestic it is. Especially for a Winter wonder White Christmas that Missouri is famous for!

And I love to go to the former Jewish Temple near Orlando with Psychologist Dr. Mark Chironna on Sunday at 9AM & 11AM or Tuesday evening 7:PM

Sunday, November 7, 2010