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Sunday, November 14, 2010


KimiG Evangelism 101: I am not a Pastor! Do you need church Growth? I can teach your sheep to multiply. If you would like to host an Evangelism 101 and Street Witnessing Conference call 760-832-9365 to schedule a meeting. I will show you how Evangelism is a great Self Preservation tool for your own faith. I am a self taught Evangelist who found Street Evangelism to have saved my walk with God as a way of (self accountability) after my best friend and the one that I was accountable to (an 88 yr.old prophet of God) passed away in 2004. Street Evangelism is a great way to keep you in check. Are you living what you preach? Are you someone who can be trusted with the mantle of God? Do you walk the talk? Do you live the word of God in every area and aspect of your life? Have you introduced Christ Jesus into every single aspect of your life? When you witness to strangers that you meet everywhere you go then you will not get off track from your walk with God. Talk to people about the things of God while you are in a grocery line, on a bus, or at a newspaper stand. If you know the word of God and the rules to play by (whatever rules are used in the given situation where you are ministering ie; on the bus I can't witness but I can tell the parents and children that the church is giving away Christmas presents for free or about the church picnic... ) then you can be witty about how to insert the word or the thoughts directed toward God in most any situation. If that person on the bus tells me that is where they have been going to church for years then I can talk to them all I want about God. I am so thankful for all you front line preachers and ministries (Rick Warren, Rod Parsley, Joel Osteen, TBN) that make my job so much easier. God bless You!

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