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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is It Legal To Fool With Peoples Medical Records?

Orthopaedic Injuries & Disorders Pinellas and Pasco County Florida

Theodore P Vlahos PA

This doctor took an MRI of my right shoulder in 2000 and found a torn

rotator, Tendinitis, & Bursitis (a form of arthritis that I had know that I

had since 1979)

Steven C. Mirabello, M.D. In 2003 This doctor took pictures of that same shoulder and said nothing would help my right shoulder but surgery but I "was not a surgery candidate"

I was feeling no improvement but it was gradually getting worse when I saw this another shoulder surgeon I think it was this doctor Robert Shaw that I saw in 2009-2010 in Springfield, MO who sent me for simple exrays and said there wasn't nothing wrong with my shoulder. Yea right! That is why I have had to massage my shoulder for hours almost daily for over four years now! Someone has been messing with my medical records and trading ex rays when no one is looking.

Recently, I had another left leg exray taken and I have had a broken leg before so I know what it feels like. But the ex ray technichan must have traded the exrays again because the doctor said it looked normal. For one, it should have revealed the previous break to the main bone in that leg. For two if it was normal than it would not send my leg in throbbing shock every time when I ride my bicycle over a bump and it has been over 2 months since that injury occurred! Either someone is messing with my medical records again or my body only reveals injuries by MRI only!

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several times in Florida between 1999 and 2005, and with Neuropathy in 2006 by my primary in Mississippi but I don't think any of those diseases would cause the kind of joint pain that I have had.

Dr. Mirabello and Dr Vlahos had it right according to the pain that I still suffer daily with that shoulder!

Friday, November 4, 2011

U2 Minneapolis July 23, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 Minneapolis July 23, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

WBK bono | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

WBK bono | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bono on Pittsburgh | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bono on Pittsburgh | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bono: Man down | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bono: Man down | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bono | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bono | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 in Toronto, July 11, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 in Toronto, July 11, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 in Toronto, July 11, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 in Toronto, July 11, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 Moncton July 30, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

U2 Moncton July 30, 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Oppression & Pain Journal

Well, here it is 2:30 AM and I just woke up. It is better than last night when I didn't get to sleep before 3AM. Tonight I went to bed before 9PM and slept till now. Yesterday, I wrote one article about a subject that grieved my heart so bad that the day It happened I almost had to turn around and go home after making some much needed copies of some important documents.

But that would have meant that I would not get the self care Item that I so desperately needed from Walmart. And that I would have to battle the pain another day and go to all the trouble of dressing for the outside world and taking the bus back to Walmart another day this week. And I figured that I better do it while I am already out and over half way there to Walmart.

But that article took me about 2 hours to write and I was in so much pain with my neck and my back that I pounded the mouse against the mouse pad a couple of times before finally tossing it down and taking an hour break.

I try so hard to be productive for a few reasons. First I want to fulfill the will of God for my life which is to run in politics. Second, I want to repay a student loan that the doctors asked the student loan company to forgive way back in 2000. They finally forgave it after the doctors asked them to forgive once again in 2010 due to the extreme oppression that the student loan Department of Education was causing me.

I received fifty copies of the bill in my mailbox within two days way back in 2001. And similar things have happened all along. Like occasional reminders of how much interest I was being charged. Harassing phone calls. And even after the loan was finally forgiven in 2010 ten years after the original doctor had asked them to forgive it, they still sent me copies of the amount of interest and the amount of the bill stating "this is not a bill"

I guess they figure that you can just get back up and do it again after being run over by the car in 1978, almost killed in the motorcycle wreck in 1987, loss of home in 1994 resulting in almost 2 yrs of homelessness and depression, loss of possessions 1994, loss of children in 1994 two (2) of which have not been seen since 1999 and another one recovering from a stroke and brain surgery in 2006 that lead to about 2 years of grammar seizures and the other one held in captivity by incarceration for over 4 years in the same state (MS.) where the youngest two children were last seen, a few car accidents, and a few bodily injuries, then my immune system failed in 2001 (and has never recovered to this day) after a five day hospital stay due to Cat Scratch Fever, then loss of home again in 2005 that lead to another over 2 years of homelessness. A bad fall on the ice in 2009, and 3 bad bike wrecks in 2011. Wipe the tears from your face that you have been shedding since 1994 because you miss your kids so bad. Pull your self up by your boot straps and take your broken to pieces body and go slave for them.

I think some of you will agree with me that God doesn't like people to push around the weak, the fatherless or the needy.

The sad part is, recently I tried to see if I could do some counseling with my education so that I could afford to pay my rent that they recently increased. Because it was earlier this year that they decreased my income. And all summer long I had go without simple things that people need to live everyday.

But after trying to find a way that I could have my own counseling practice and take clients at my own pace I realized I didn't have the initial money needed to achieve that. Nor was I physically able to even do that. My health is just not there. And so I am back to the drawing board of working on my health. And taking a few free classes here and there between therapy.

If I publish an article it is only to say something that has to be said for an avenue of stress relief for me as was the case two days ago on the article titled "Anything Less Is Grievous To The Heart Of God" or it is something that the people need to hear.

Incidentally, this article took me less than two hours to write but I was in extreme pain in my neck (because of the bulged disks in my neck) , and in my lower back (where the nerve root tumor is between L1 and L2 lower back) But I already took the pain medicine before I got out of bed.

That is a whole other subject. The muscle relaxers totally shut down my internal organs making even colon cleansers, laxatives and stool softeners of no use. And the prescription pain medicine makes a life time history of constipation a hundred times worse. So I have to find alternate ways to get rid of the pain which recent studies have proven to be the cause of heart disease.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anything Less Grieves The Heart Of God

What would God (as a 33 year old carpenter) think if HE drove down the central avenue in the city where you live. Would HE find "Gay Pride" flags flying on every light pole? Then fifteen minutes later walk into a Store only this time God (is a young eight year old girl) looks down at the newspaper and magazine rack in the hallway of the store only to find a man dressed in a piece of black leather strip that barely covered his private part as he posed in sexual shot for the cover of a magazine on the very bottom and left hand side of the magazine rack and to the middle right hand side of the magazine rack find a big yellow phone book with the words "GAY" telephone directory on it?

What would they think If the heterosexuals hung flags all over downtown in the city you live in that had a picture of a heart partly outlined in Blue with a male Gender Symbol and partly outlined in Pink with a Female Gender symbol and they word "WAY" written in purple inside of the heart as a symbol of male and female bonding.

God is a Holy God! He is HOLY! And the angels fly around HIM day and night singing "HOLY HOLY HOLY are you LORD God Almighty" non stop they are flying around HIM with only that one tune singing before HIM forever. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because there was men having sex with other men. HE told Lot's wife if you even look back at the city of Sodom and Gomorrah you will turn into a pillar of salt. She did!

I have a few dear loved ones that I count as priceless who have been deceived by homosexuality and bitten by HIV/AIDS or some other STD . It has the potential to cut their lives short and will limit their ability to freely enjoy life as they could have before Satan starting destroying them. Usually they only live about half of their lives due to HIV/AIDs and other stds. This is so sad and such a great loss. I love them so much that I still pray that God rip every vile disease out of their bodies and out of their bloods and heal them. I know HE can.

Some people have been involved physically and/ or emotionally with the other person for extended lengths of time. Only God can open their eyes to the truth. Only God can show them that they have been cheated out of real intimate relations as HE intended them to be.

And coming from someone who is capable of doing anything that the others are doing I can only tell you that you are really being cheated. It is like trying to draw milk from a bird. Birds don't nurse their young with milk so it is impossible. Or like trying to get an egg from an elephant, an orange from an apple tree so it is with homosexual relations they are fake, they are not the real thing. They are imitations of what a real intimate relationship and sex are supposed to be. It is also like when a women tries to relieve her sexual needs some other kind of way than with a man, it is not fulfilling. It does relieve stress temporarily but she knows that it is not fulfilling. And it is only part way or only half of the real thing. So it is when a person has sex with another person of the same sex it is only part way or half of the real thing.

I don't ever want to offend anyone. I understand that their are life long friendships that have connected their souls by participating in sexual relations with each other and they have developed some kind of familiar spirits and possibly soul ties. Kind of like the ones that are developed when a man has sex with a women. Soul ties are strong and much hard to break. But there are also possibly familiar spirits that mimic soul ties when they have sex with the same sex partner.

But God is still able to set them free from that strong bondage and even for them to maintain friendships forever with the understanding that the homosexual part of their relationship is over forever.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Larry U2

Thank you for starting up the band U2. I believe that U2 has been my all time favorite band through out my adult life. Words are not enough to express my feelings toward U2. I pray God give you the grace to do it all over again. That He will heal you body, soul and spirit and bring as much fulfillment to your life as your music has brought to mine. Thank you! P. S. Did you know that you remind me 100% of my 23 yr. old son Bobby Lee Little that I haven't seen since 1999. You look like him, you have his body type, his body movements and his eyes, facial structure .... everything is amazingly similar. I miss him so bad! God bless you!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet Third Party Green Pro Life 2012 Election - Digg

Occupy Wallstreet Third Party Green Pro Life 2012 Election — Americans are tired of the unjust 1% Elite that rule over the 99% of the Dis Advantaged Middle Class or Poor. That is why the Occupy Wallstreet Protests are breaking out in New York and Nation wide! We The People (Americans are tired of the Rich Getting Richer and the Poor getting Poorer! Americans are tired of the unjust 1% Elite that rule over the 99% of the Dis Advantaged Middle Class or Poor. Hold These TruthsTo Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal! PBS Polls show that over 80% of Independents, 52 % of Republicans & over 30% Dems

We The People

Hold These TruthsTo Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal!

PBS Polls show that over 80% of Independents, 52 % of Republicans & over 30% Dems want a 3rd party.

GKimi If you agree with my posts tonight please re tweet them and share them with your friends! All men are created equal!

GKimi Kim Gerred No more Big $$$ companies pushing around the little guy, oppressing the poor or trodding all over the middle class All men are created equal

GKimi Kim Gerred No more Polished Politicians lying thru their teeth & STUFFING Their Deep Pockets with the plunder of the poor! All men are created equal!

Billy_Cox BILLY COX by GKimi "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but Imagination!" ~ Albert Einstein

GKimi Kim Gerred Stricter laws 4 pedophiles, child traffickers,& child pornography! We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal!

fight_abuse Fight against abuse by GKimiStone Mountain man allegedly caught distributing images of child sexual abuse

GKimi Kim Gerred NO Elite Status in this Nation! No Treading on the poor! We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal

GKimi Kim Gerred The bible as the standard of conduct, NOT OPPRESSION or Terrorism! We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal

GKimi Kim Gerred No Elite status treading all over the middle class or poor! No killing off the weak or kicking the poor off the planet

GKimi Kim Gerred 100% = Pay 4 Women, Solar Hydro & Wind NRG Thru out USA, A Fair Taxing System. No Secretary will ever pay more taxes than a billionaire boss

GKimi Kim Gerred @SportsCouponz Thank you for the follow! See more of our sports tweets @_you_me here. Thanks again! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

One Voice Ministries: The Official Site of Hank and Brenda Kunneman - The Daily Prophecy

One Voice Ministries: The Official Site of Hank and Brenda Kunneman - The Daily Prophecy

This pic reminds me of Jesus too

U2 Over the Years (13)

U2 Over the Years (12)

U2 Over the Years (12) God is able to turn back time and Renew U2's youth like the eagles! Isaiah 41! God is able to give U2 the "Dew of their youth" Psalm 110

Listen to God, Listen to those who love you. Dr. Eric Braverman is an anti aging doctor who has been teaching me the great benefits of amino acids like Human growth Hormone that slows down drastically as we age. When we supplement our bodies with that hard to find hormone we literally stop the aging process and reverse all diseases. You can find Dr. Braverman on Twitter and on Facebook or at Path Medical in NY

U2 Over the Years (12)

U2 Over the Years (12)

U2 Over the Years (12)

U2 Over the Years (12)

Church of His Presence | Livestream

Church of His Presence | Livestream I am here now! Simultaneously I am also here but I have left the Orlando Service

The Master's Touch

The Master's Touch I am here this morning between services

Eagle Eye: An American Indian's Insights: Every Place Whereon The Soles Of My Feet Shall Tread Shall Be Mine! Deut. 11:24

Eagle Eye: An American Indian's Insights: Every Place Whereon The Soles Of My Feet Shall Tread Shall Be Mine! Deut. 11:24

Sunday, September 11, 2011

For The Kingly Minstrel & Psalmist

One Voice Ministries: The Official Site of Hank and Brenda Kunneman - The Daily Prophecy

The Tabernacle of David

[Monday, September 12, 2011]

The Spirit says, "I desire once again to rebuild the places of unrestrained worship and praise, just as David brought My presence before all and worshipped unrestrained. So step into that type of tabernacle this day," says the Lord, "and there I will cause many to seek righteousness and you will experience My work inside you in a new way."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kim Gerred Resume Transcript

Kim Gerred Resume Transcript

SURVEY: AACC Pastor, Ministry Leader, and Lay Counselor Survey

SURVEY: AACC Pastor, Ministry Leader, and Lay Counselor Survey

Date submitted2011-09-08 18:27:39
Please select your gender
Female [F]
Please select your age range
46 - 55 [a05]
Please select your highest earned degree
Some College [d03]
Please check any Denominational Affiliations you have
Mainline Protestant
Assemblies of God
Non-Denominational Evangelical
Non-Denominational Charismatic
OtherSpirit Filled Christian
Please select your ethnic background
White [e01]
How many years of Clinical/Ministry Experience do you have?
11-15 years [y03]
Are you an AACC Member?
No [N]
If you are a member, how many years have you been an AACC Member?
Not Sure [my08]
Counselor Identity and Practice
Please select your primary discipline
Other [-oth-]
OtherOnline Ministry
Counselor Development
How interested would you be in obtaining training, CE's, etc. in a distance/online format?
Strong Interest [ot01]
Please rank the top ten areas of interest/need regarding future training or professional development

Click on your choices and they will appear in the blanks

Rank 1Leadership [tt20]
Rank 2Law & Ethics [tt19]
Rank 3Multicultural Issues [tt29]
Rank 4Trauma/PTSD [tt32]
Rank 5Financial Stewardship [tt33]
Rank 6Stress Management & Self-Care [tt36]
Rank 7Pastoral Counseling [tt17]
Rank 8Anxiety [tt12]
Rank 9Child Abuse [tt13]
Rank 10Addictions [tt23]
Rank 11
Rank 12
Rank 13
Rank 14
Rank 15
Rank 16
Rank 17
Rank 18
Rank 19
Rank 20
Rank 21
Rank 22
Rank 23
Rank 24
Rank 25
Rank 26
Rank 27
Rank 28
Rank 29
Rank 30
Rank 31
Rank 32
Rank 33
Rank 34
Rank 35
Rank 36
Rank 37
Rank 38
Membership Benefits
Christian Counseling Today
5 [mb01]
Christian Counseling Connection
5 [op01]
Counsel Talk CD's
5 [op01]
5 [op01]
World Conference
5 [op01]
East/West National Conferences
5 [op01]
Specialty Training/Workshops
5 [op01]
Basic & Specialty Certifications
1 [op05]
Training Diplomas
1 [op05]
Credentialing Process/BCPPC
1 [op05]
Christian Counselor Network
5 [op01]
AACC Member Divisions
5 [op01]
As a Pastor, Ministry Leader, or Lay Counselor, what concerns related to the AACC do you have?
I am really not called to counseling but since it is so easily available and my core college education was in Pre Med and Psychology I I got one semester credit from AACC and took two more online classes with 3CE's a piece. However, I am called to Politics. And if you could add some political science classes pertaining to Sociology then I can take more without feeling I've got off my path that God ordained for me. I have been trying to justify my CE here at AACC but I'm called to Politics!
As a Pastor, Ministry Leader, or Lay Counselor, what are your suggestions for the AACC?
I would also feel that the classes were more legitimate if they had academic acknowledgement from across the board rather than just Regent University. But since AACC has made the classes so affordable and easy for me to take online I will continue to take them when I know that the class will significantly help me in my goal of healing society as an active member, and on my path to political Science, and while I minister to our blessed troops as I have done regularly since January 2006.
As a Pastor, Ministry Leader, or Lay Counselor, what additional Membership Benefits would you like to see?
If you have more affordable (20.00 early bird special 3CE's) classes related to PTSD or trauma, Leadership, Law and Ethics, Or any political science related to sociology like multi-cultural issues, perhaps I can take another class from you. But I sure wish they would grant you academic accreditation across the board! Thank you! I love AACC! And everyone would benefit from attending some of the core curriculum at AACC! God Bless You!