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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Domestic Violence Is Bad Apple & A Vicious Cycle That Has To Be Broken

When a man is the head of the household and he abuses a child ... everyone else in that household follows suit because he is the head of the household. Stay away from abusive men.. RUN, RUN, RUN and never look back!

What starts at the top always flows downward.  #Leadership If the leader is corrupt then his administration will follow suit.  As it goes with the church so will it go with the nation.

 Sometimes, You can tell the character of a man by the look on his wife's face. If she is sad all the time or looks uneasy she may be married to an abusive man. 

Abuse is more then physical.  If you tell someone that they are only tolerating you because they have to ... That is mental abuse.  

If someone calls you a name; dummy, stupid, whore etc.... that is verbal abuse.  

If they won't let you use the phone to talk to your mother... that is mental abuse.. and can be used against you in a court of law!!!    

I've seen it before... men who take advantage of little teenage girls or other women by making them feel that they are the only girl or woman in the world.  The most beautiful female on the planet... until they can steal their virginity.  They will do anything they can to get in the girl's britches including photo shots, modeling, sketching and paintings of her or even Murial of her. 

Then when they get her to pose for him, they convince her to start baring more flesh.  Then when He strikes his move to steal her virginity he shoots the whole thing on spy cameras only to sell it for porn.  

And she falls for it thinking that he truly cares for her.  When all along all he wanted was some sex and to make a porn movie that he can sell forever more to the most gullable buyer.  Again this is abuse!!! 

You know, when people don't care if you die because of hardships of homelessness for over 5 yrs. after stomping all over you for your entire life.  

And professional counselors (in my case it was my marriage counselor) tell you that it is because of the root cause of their (with me it was my step father) abuse to you is the reason you chose abusive men. 

It might be time to draw the line and let them know where you stand.   

My family learned how to abuse me from a very young age by the head of the household when I was a child as far back as when it began at age 2 years old.  

But Now,  I got another daddy!!! And HIS name Is ABBA Father!
  • Kim Gerred You were dead to them when you needed them so be dead to them now!!! I am sorry that all this junk is coming out now... but I just can't  bare to see anyone hurt anymore.

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