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Friday, March 25, 2011

Google Translate For Poem "Smile"

Google Translate

I used to get happy at the little smiley faces that I would see
It makes me sad to see a frown upon your face where the smile used to be
My heart breaks to think that life has caused you so much pain
But I know that God can bring the sun out after the rain
He can make right every wrong that was injuriously done to you
And put back all the missing pieces to make life brand new
No matter what this life may have gave or took away
Life, Liberty and Happiness is all that matters anyway
Sometimes happiness doesn't come wrapped like we think it should
Maybe a cup of tea on a cold winter day is all that will make you feel good
Sometimes just to pray will make your heart fresh and new
Maybe asking for God to forgive you for what you forgot to do
He took such care to give us all His very best
We can Forget & It is removed as far as the East is from the West
You must now forgive and forget whatever caused you pain
Let the sun come in and dry up what was washed away by the rain
That is how He forgives our sins too
Once they are gone you are forever brand new
Don't ever try to find them because they are truely gone
Far removed from this life where all the sin does belong
Now you are free to be happy again and smile from joy deep within
God makes all things new and you can begin life again
January 19, 2009
Dedicated to all those faces that I come across on the internet that have been robbed of a smile.
Please always remember that you are too pretty not to smile!
No matter what you have experienced in life or what has hurt you, you must never forget that God, the one who created you, He wants you Happy! He wants you to SMILE!
God Bless you!

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