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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Vote Yes To God

Some may think that they must vote on a certain ticket to protect their best interest. If we do not vote to support God's values on the right to life by protecting the unborn from those who would slaughter the helpless, and by protecting the traditional marriage that God's word honors between one man and one woman then we will lose the liberties to speak out against those things in the future. Our "Freedom of Speech" along with our Christian lifestyle of church and prayer will lean towards the Nazi Hitler Socialist Communistic country and anti Christ regime that was Ice cold towards God. Worse yet, you may become martyrs for your faith as they have in many other anti Christ nations.  God sets the moral ethics, principals and standards for HIS guide lines in the word of God.  He clearly tells us that HE "HATES" the shedding of innocent blood

Proverbs 6:16-19

New International Version (NIV)
16 "There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
17         haughty eyes,
        a lying tongue,
        hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."
  And that He made male and female:

Genesis 1:26-28

New International Version (NIV)
26 "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth..."

  If you re elect someone who opposes God's standards as often and as strongly as Obama has then the Christian will be the outcast in this nation. And there are Christians in this nation who are already being persecuted for their faith. How much worse will it get if you re elect a president who extremely promotes abortion along with promoting gay marriage? 

I put my money where my mouth is!
  • I put my money where my mouth is just like I did when I was in college with three small children at home with me as a single mother when my black Nigerian neighbor who was my friend knew that I was Christian and she asked if her sister could stay with me when she arrived from Nigeria with her two year old son who was coming to America for life saving surgery. I said yes, against my very own mothers will. But the lady who came from Nigeria was pregnant and she became my very first prayer partner. She was a very dear friend to me otherwise I would have NEVER let her stay in my home while I was gone all day with my children. She stayed with us over three months. Her other son was born in my home.

     For the record, (and I have about seven yrs of these same type bank receipts but my giving of tithes and offerings dates back all the way to 1988) every place you see the word "Breakthrough" on this record of the first seven months of this year history of my giving tithes and offerings to God and alms to the poor that is when every single penny of my money was given only to help those in Sudan, or Haiti. All the information is listed and they can all testify to this truth. And from 2000-2005 I had a youth ministry that consisted mostly of black children who I adored and loved as my very own. Weekly they would come to my house and I would feed them with my food. I took them to the beach with me, to the YMCA, to church, almost everywhere I went they were with me. They stayed the night with me many times and I treasured those children.I am going to gladly share some of the photos with you. But I have lots more if you need them! And I still have really dear black friends on Facebook that I love. 

    Bank records:
    10/01/2012 $85.00 10/09/2012 CBL919NH PASTOR SERGIO DE LA MORA
    09/27/2012 $12.43 10/04/2012 RBF9O9IG STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    09/10/2012 $10.00 09/17/2012 3BI9Y929 Breakthrough
    09/06/2012 $10.00 09/13/2012 AB99KA2S LANCE LEARNING G
    09/04/2012 $55.00 09/11/2012 CBR92AWU PASTOR SERGIO DE
    09/04/2012 $25.00 09/11/2012 5B69DAWU STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    08/14/2012 $6.00 08/21/2012 LBV9FAW8 BENNY HINN MINIS
    08/13/2012 $5.00 08/20/2012 JBW9UAZI Trinity Broadcas
    08/06/2012 $12.00 08/13/2012 EBC9TADG Breakthrough
    08/06/2012 $4.00 08/13/2012 IBQ9VARG STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    08/01/2012 $86.00 08/08/2012 YBJ9RAXE SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CHURCH (SADDLEBACK Sister)
    07/23/2012 $5.00 07/30/2012 RBF9VAO9 Trinity Broadcas |
    07/02/2012 $54.17 07/10/2012 8B5B8S7Y Breakthrough
    07/02/2012 $40.00 07/10/2012 EBUBMSNL STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    06/04/2012 $5.00 06/11/2012 VBPB7SJ1 Trinity Broadcas
    06/04/2012 $3.00 06/11/2012 DBGBVSC1 STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    06/04/2012 $84.00 06/11/2012 OB3BOSTC Roys Desert Reso
    06/04/2012 $4.00 06/11/2012 2BPB7SJ1 Breakthrough
    05/29/2012 $5.00 06/05/2012 NBOBSQTT Breakthrough
    05/01/2012 $86.00 05/08/2012 QB6BTQUF STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    05/01/2012 $1.00 05/08/2012 KBHBTQUF Trinity Broadcas
    04/30/2012 $8.22 05/07/2012 GB2B5Q74 STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    04/16/2012 $12.00 04/23/2012 YBJBZQMA STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    04/16/2012 $1.00 04/23/2012 XBJBZQMA Trinity Broadcas
    04/02/2012 $46.00 04/09/2012 JBRBITZM Breakthrough
    04/02/2012 Recurring Payment † $84.00 04/09/2012 HBWB4TSX Free Chapel
    03/09/2012 $3.70 03/16/2012 GBKBJTY4 Trinity Broadcas
    03/07/2012 $84.00 03/14/2012 VBQBWTVE Free Chapel
    03/07/2012 $28.00 03/14/2012 LBCBFTJE Trinity Broadcas
    03/05/2012 $84.00 03/12/2012 YBDBLPHM SOUTHWEST COMMUN
    03/01/2012 $1.00 03/08/2012 CBYB4TT1 Breakthrough
    02/21/2012 $6.00 02/28/2012 QB5BLPQP Breakthrough
    02/10/2012 $18.94 02/17/2012 SBIBQPEX GUIDEPOSTS / POS
    02/06/2012 $20.00 02/13/2012 OB3BVP9K Breakthrough Paid
    02/01/2012 $86.00 02/08/2012 ABXBTPEI SOUTHWEST COMMUN
    02/01/2012 $1.00 02/08/2012 NBMBTPEI Trinity Broadcas
    01/10/2012 $10.00 01/18/2012 UBJBIPY9 Jackson Revival
    01/09/2012 $6.00 01/17/2012 YB8B9P3A Breakthrough
    01/03/2012 $12.00 01/10/2012 6BMBUUSO STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    12/30/2011 $1.00 01/09/2012 EBRBLUTV Trinity Broadcas
    12/30/2011 $3.20 01/09/2012 3B1BLUTV Breakthrough
    12/30/2011 $3.00 01/09/2012 MB1BLUTV STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    12/29/2011 $3.20 01/06/2012 KBSBMU4V Breakthrough 12/13/2011 $10.00
    12/06/2011 $12.42 12/13/2011 WBSBWUYG Breakthrough
    12/05/2011 $3.00 12/12/2011 WBOBSU95 STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    12/01/2011 $1.00 12/08/2011 3BZBXUKE Trinity Broadcas
    11/29/2011 $1.50 12/06/2011 FBXB8UYD Breakthrough Paid
    11/29/2011 $1.50 12/06/2011 7BXB8UYD STEVE MUNSEY FAM
    11/08/2011 $7.00 11/16/2011 JB3BUOKV Trinity Broadcas
    10/25/2011 $1.00 11/01/2011 WBFB4O78 Trinity Broadcas
    10/25/2011 $7.00 11/01/2011 MBFB4O78 Breakthrough
    10/20/2011 $5.00 10/27/2011 VB8BLOIH Free Chapel
    Over 80% Of the Children in my care (some photographed above)  were Colored Or Hispanic. I considered them my children because I loved them as my own.  Approximately 75 Children In Florida between 2000-2005 And About 25 More Children in TX., MS., & MO. between 2006-2010
     I have felt prejudice coming from the black culture against the white man. As I waited over 3 yrs as the only homeless white woman of four children including one baby in 1994-1996 with no help from HUD or any other housing agency.   And I have felt prejudice from the Spanish culture toward the white man as the only white disabled homeless woman in a shelter on the border of Mexico in Laredo, Texas (99% Spanish Community and over 65% could not speak English)  in 2006 when the shelter gave semi permanent housing to illegal immigrants but would not give it to me.  It did not matter that it was in the U.S.A. or that I was the only natural and legally born American there or that I was disabled and had been very sick, it didn't even matter that I had already spend two years homeless prior to my coming to that shelter. .  They did not help me.  Was it because I was not Mexican?  Only God knows!  
    Not all Mexicans are prejudice and not all black people are either.  I have great friends in the black race here in America who I love and treasure their friendships.  Some of which have had their children over to stay the night at my house when their children were only babies.  I also have dear friends from South Of the border who are my best friends.  I have spent the night with them many times and gone to Mexico with them for day break vacations.  Or gone to dinner with them over in Mexico where her husband was the manager of a nice authentic Mexican restaurant where I was served real cantaloupe juice with my dinner and I loved it!  I considered her my best friend.  I would have never spent the night with her many times or ever gone to Mexico with her had I even suspected she had bad intentions towards me. 
    But there have been some in leadership where I used to live in MS that bullied me around in the system because I was a poor white woman in a city of 95% blacks. Now the stats have gone up for Jackson, MS. and it is more like 99% black population. Let me just say this... I don't care what color you are or where you are from ... if you hate another race be it white, Mexican or black ... I can tell you right now that you are not right with God. God is the avenger and HE will repay! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nature Is in Motion

Nature Is in Motion  

No sex before marriage means "Sexually conservative" and I am!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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